Show your love to older ones
As I have mentioned in the previous article one of the values I rethink is
I am listening to those stories that my dad now is telling me about and thinking:
Why just now?I was too busy to ask? He had those stories right before…
And now, I see how excited he becomes while telling me those horror stories from his times in army, and other ones, of course/
My Mom? My stories in the night work like fairy tales for her, she sleeps and rests. I am so happy to help her in this way. Of course, during the day I am talking with her and she does not sleep, but with my Mom I talked even before, not that much, but still.
But my Dad! I just needed to ask and listen!
And I have understood that our parents, grandparents and all older generation ( I am 27, so I am talking about my time older generation) could give away everything they have just to make their kids healthy and happy.
And we all appreciate this, are we even busy to call?
I do not want to sound angry or something, just please organise at least a weekend treat for them with your visit before Christmas or even better during Christmas. That time with you is timeless for them. Most of you are working hard, so Come on?
If because of some serious reason you cannot go, at least call and tell how much you love them. It would mean a lot to them.
Call them more often!
Yes, I am talking from my side, but it does matter. The most important thing is to share that love with your parents, grandparents or just older than you 🤍 Please 🤍
I have as well amazing chapter from perfect book by Joseph Murphy - The Power Of The Subconscious Mind
We need senior citizens
Mark Porcio Katon learned Greek at the age of eighty. Madam Ernestina Suman-Haink, the great contrast, reached the height of success by becoming a grandmother. Socrates learned to play musical instruments at the age of eighty. Michelangelo also painted the most famous canvases at the age of eighty. Same age there was Simonidas Kėjetis when he won the prize for poetry, Johan Goethe when he finished Faust, and Leopold von Rank when he started writing The History of the World, which he finished at ninety-two. At the age of eighty-three, Alfred Tenison created the wonderful poem “Overcoming an Obstacle;” Isaac Newton worked diligently at the age of nearly eighty. John Wesley preached and led the Methodist movement when he was eighty-eight. Jane Louise Calment of Arles, France, was not as famous as the people listed. As a young woman, she met a famous man, the painter Vincent van Gogh, but she became famous not for it. The woman caught the attention of those around her when she reached her 100th birthday. On that occasion, she stopped cycling every day! Congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of the 100th birthday, Mrs. Kalment sailed from all over the world. At that age, she became the oldest officially registered person in the world. When the old men asked what the secret of her longevity was, she replied: “I took every opportunity I had reconciled. I lived freely, respected moral norms, and did not regret anything. I feel very happy.” When the woman turned one hundred and twenty-two, the same bright and contagious Smile shone on her face as before.
Let us exalt our senior citizens and make them for them all the conditions to enjoy the fruits of paradise. If you are retired, start taking an interest in living and the wonders of their subconscious. Engage in what you have dreamed of all ur life. Go deeper into new topics and try new ideas.
Share love with your parents, grandparents or just older than you 🤍